This is the Message Centre for soeasilyamused, or sea

The H2G2 Post Spotlight Beckons! LOL

Post 1

Researcher 178815

Hiya Sea smiley - smiley

Hows you today? Can I just say DON'T RESTORE THE OLD SPACE; This is much better smiley - biggrin

As you know Shazz wants us to write the last week article on Bandwagon, Well; Of Course you know- You Told Me! smiley - laugh

Anyway, I've just read the Garden and it seems there's been a 2nd escape bid!! With Don Alfredo's Helicopter, and a Rope ladder that actually the Don forgot to keep a hold of; So Really they just got a rope ladder and a nice visit from the Don in his helicopter smiley - biggrin

Maybe we should discuss the Bandwagon article here and stuff we say can go into the main post article;


"And then sea said it'd been verywhatevery the whole time...." etc.. ? smiley - smiley

The H2G2 Post Spotlight Beckons! LOL

Post 2

soeasilyamused, or sea

oh, you like the darker side of sea? smiley - smiley maybe i will leave this up for a while...

yeah, okay, that sounds good!

lol! he dropped the ladder? how funny! and of course we have to mention the seance...

hmm, i haven't really been keeping up with the goings-on. i think i shall go read up... smiley - biggrin

The H2G2 Post Spotlight Beckons! LOL

Post 3

Researcher 178815

Yeah.. the sea...nce smiley - smiley

I'm really looking forward to the post this week! I Have my Haunted World article thingy started up properly and I Co-Write the Bandwagon update smiley - smiley

Me too.. I'll be back soon; Off to read some of Bandwagon smiley - smiley

The H2G2 Post Spotlight Beckons! LOL

Post 4

soeasilyamused, or sea

let's see... infinity has created a padded room, and has been talking to herself... smiley - biggrin

The H2G2 Post Spotlight Beckons! LOL

Post 5

Researcher 178815

*Taking notes*

Intersting! smiley - laugh!!!

The H2G2 Post Spotlight Beckons! LOL

Post 6

Researcher 178815

Right, Sea I've just written my part... with the meal thing (gourmet) and the insanity thing..(padded room) you take care of the shower thing (yep.. again caf just can't stay away when someone's in there!) and the ladder thing (the don dropped it...) and we're covered!!

I Just have to track down some quotes from Rama and Don and then update the page, we submit the two A numbers to shazz, then she'll take the bits from both of them and lift them onto a separate article.. and add the voting results for thursday and then put it online smiley - smiley in the post smiley - smiley are you excited?? smiley - biggrin

The H2G2 Post Spotlight Beckons! LOL

Post 7

soeasilyamused, or sea


okay, so shower and ladder dropping. when does this have to be done by?

The H2G2 Post Spotlight Beckons! LOL

Post 8

Researcher 178815

Wednesday.. I've put mine on ...
shazz will join them together and add
the voting stats aswell smiley - smiley feel free to add to the
ending paragraph about
the bandwagon coming to its end. smiley - smiley

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