This is the Message Centre for soeasilyamused, or sea

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 1


I am missing all the nice conversations we used to have! Tell me - what is the interestingest thing you can think of that you would like to talk about only you know of nobody who can be bothered to talk it with you?

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 2

soeasilyamused, or sea


(did you see my admonishment in my journal?)

let's see... the most interestingest thing i can think of... oh!

have you ever thought about how fascinating water is? i was standing on top of a very tall hill on Catalina Island a few days ago and looking at the pacific ocean, and it struck me how incredible water is. i mean, the ocean is HUGE. it has the power to sustain and the power to destroy... and it's SO beautiful!!!!! it's dark blue toward the middle, but when a boat hits it, it turns white... the thing that really struck me was that it was so incredibly large.

*grin* what do you think?

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 3


Yes I did read your admonishment! But only after I made this posting! You know I'm really glad you're off the bandwagon! It's part of my principles not to get involved in such voyeurism. Not saying anything bad about your principles - mine just happen to be like that!

So, did you enjoy your holiday or not? There's not much about enjoyment in your rant, and I think you are biased against seeweed! I can think of some pretty nasty gunk in which I've been entangled in holidays of my own, but you know, it's part of 'the experience'.

Yes - water is great, especially that of the ocean! I do wish that someday I can sail on a boat on the deep sea, or go scuba diving!

You know what - I know some stuff about water 99.99% of humans don't! So:

Would you like to hear about the paranormal properties of water?

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 4

soeasilyamused, or sea

yes! i would LOVE to hear about the paranormal properties of water. i'm beginning to believe that large bodies of water are very bizarre creatures.

oh, don't get me wrong, i did greatly enjoy my vacation, i just really felt like complaining when i wrote that entry... smiley - biggrin and i probably am biased against seaweed, but when you're swimming through a forest of it.... *shudders* blech!!!

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 5


Hmmm.... having just looked at the 'Waters of Life' entry on your page, it seems to me you know a lot of it already! I'm going to read that and add some more comments! Quite spooky, you know, finding all that stuff there, just after thinking about it here!

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 6

soeasilyamused, or sea

that's part of what got me thinking about it. *grin*

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 7


Righty - but I wasn't aware of anyone else over here having the same ideas!

Anyways, Zaphod only touched very briefly on some points. The memory of water, for instance. The way I see it, water is a substance that is extremely sensitive to some influences, but also it has a kind of stability that can store records of influences, and it has a kind of power that can transmit these influences. Boy, that's real scientific, isn't it? NOT!!! But this is my idea - the water in our bodies is in a way 'connected' with the water of the oceans - and also with the water in other bodies, all living creatures in fact. I consider water the 'psychic substance'. It carries soul, it is a kind of 'amplification system' for minds, and it may work as a single system that encompasses the entire universe! Now this is quite a nutty thing for me to say but I'm saying it anyways! It interests me for instance how many supernatural things are connected with water. The loch ness monster, and other lake monsters, for instance. It has also been established that many sightings of ghosts and other weird creatures take place near water. Or UFO's over water.

Okay that's enough to make you think, I think ... I have a lot more, but anything you might want to add right now?

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 8

soeasilyamused, or sea

don't forget mermaids and the bermuda triangle and sightings of ghost ships and all that!

anything to add? er... not really. what about you?

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 9


Come on! Tell me some stuff! I go and sit and actually think about what I'm going to write to you, you know! Tell me about some of your own ideas on the magic of water! You must know a bit more!

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 10

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - blush okay, i'll put some thought into this one smiley - winkeye

the colors. the colors of the ocean are incredible. it's green in the harbors, inky blue far away from shore, white when the boats slice through it, and turquoise where it hits the sand - but if you take a cupful and look at it, it's clear.

the waves are pretty incredible too. the sound is so soothing, and it's pretty awesome to stand in the surf and have the upper water rushing toward you and the lower water rushing away. i think it's cool how the water recirculates in the surf. have you ever seen a wave from below? beautiful.

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 11


That's better! I can't say I have seen a wave from below yet ... next time I'm in the sea I'll check!

The reason for the color of the sea is because water absorbs certain wavelengths of light. It's the same as with air. The light needs to travel through quite a large amount of air water before enough light will ctually be absorbed to make a difference to the color.

When boats sail on the water they create turbulence which increases reflections off the sea surface, and also causes the breaking of sub-surface light ... hmmm, I feel like restuding a bit of optics!

Anyways - Zaphod, in his entry, briefly mentioned a guy called Jacques Beneviste. This guy is doing some interesting research. What he's doing suggests that water can 'remember' the patterns of molecules that used to be in it, even when those molecules aren't there any more, and that this pattern can be transmitted in some way. It may explain why the human immune system, enzymes and other internal chemical systems work as well as they do, but it also cannot be explained by contemporary science!

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 12

soeasilyamused, or sea

ah, well, science isn't all it's cracked up to be! after all, they still can't tell us what 90% of our brains is supposed to be used for, or how we are supposed to go about using it! smiley - smiley

as for water having a memory, i don't know... i tend to think about it in the romantic sense, ie. it remembers everyone who has sailed on it or perished in it... i'm not sure if i consider it to be a living entity, but it's definitely not just a bunch of hydrogen and oxygen...

you know, i think in one of my past incarnations i had a very traumatic experience with the ocean. i'm really terrified of big waves and dark water, but i never want to be more than an hour's drive from it. maybe i was lost at sea in the middle of the night or something... hmm. odd.

wouldn't it be neat if you could find out who you were in your past lives?

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 13


What, do you mean to say you *can't* remember who you were in past lives?! smiley - silly I have a few ideas about that ... One thing I'm sure of, I used to be a sword-wielding celtic warrior somewhat more than a thousand years ago ... probably, several sword-wielding celtic warriors in several, separate, SHORT lifetimes.

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 14

soeasilyamused, or sea


well, i don't really have any specific ideas like that... i just have a feeling that whoever i was, i didn't fit in with society, and at some point i had a terribly traumatic experience with water... maybe i drowned at night or something. maybe i was once on the titanic. smiley - winkeye

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 15


Well there were many people who drowned who were *not* on the Titanic! Is there something particular about the Titanic that 'resonates' with feelings or ideas or memories that you have?

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 16

soeasilyamused, or sea

not really...

actually, i get the feeling that i was outside at night, by the water, and something happened and i drowned. whether i fell in quicksand or was murdered or what, i don't know. *shrug*

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 17

soeasilyamused, or sea

just keeping the conversation recent.... smiley - smiley

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 18



I got your latest email. Don't worry about anything, OK! I'm not going to get myself kicked off here. I have way too much that I still want to do! For instance I am now going to start writing entries about social issues as a way to raise the consciousness of the people here on h2g2, and also to practice my own writing talents a bit!

Back to past lives - if you had a choice, which people in history would you have wanted to be, or in which times and places would you have wanted to live?

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 19

soeasilyamused, or sea

i always think cleopatra... the ultimate woman of power... but she died by her own weird snake fetish! smiley - winkeye

i would have wanted to live in the early 1900s, but i think i would have been one of those women who browbeat their husbands and did whatever they damned well pleased and was generally frowned upon by polite society. smiley - smiley that's just the type of person i am...

i was probably a bra-burner in the 60's too, although i must have died young in order to be reincarnated as my current self. smiley - smiley

what about you?

Hey Sea - let's talk about interesting stuff again!

Post 20


Well, who would I LIKE to have been? Among many others: Mohandas Gandhi, George Bernard Shaw, Jane Austen, George Eliot, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman!

What time and place would I have liked to live in? Greece during the height of its civilisation, or ancient Rome, or Japan before the twentieth century, or the Amazon Jungle before it was discovered by Europeans ... in fact, just about all times and all places!

As for who I WAS, that I have only vague notions of!

I wonder how many women used to be cleopatra ...?

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