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Post 1


Please feel free to wax rhapsodic about life being sticky. I'd love to hear it.

And welcome to h2g2. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me; we were all once new here and confused - though you have done well by actually putting something on your page; a lot of people don't even get that far! smiley - smiley Hope you like it here.



Post 2


Oh, and I forgot to say - I like your name.

smiley - smiley


Post 3


thanks so much for your kind words! i like your name a whole bunch as well and it's very timely too, since the summer solstice is so near! feel free to post to me anytime. i've read a bunch of your posts and journals and enjoy your thoughtful perspective. smiley - smiley btw, you seem a likely candidate to be running seti@home, am i right?


Post 4


No, I'm not, but a lot of other people here are; I remember having seen it on a lot of pages. And thank you for _your_ kind words!

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