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Marmite combos

Post 1

The Wall

After a visit to the world of Strange, I discovered some interesting
variants on the humble Marmite sandwich:
1. Marmite and cheese sandwich - make it like it sounds
2. Wimbledon - Marmite, strawberries (fresh, sliced) and cream
3. Marmitalade - Marmite and orange (thick cut) marmalade on toast
4. Marmash - Marmite spread thickly on mashed potato, made with
full milk
5. Marmutter - Marmite and peanut butter


Marmite combos

Post 2

Researcher 137856

The true Marmite fan eats it straight out jar.

Marmite combos

Post 3

The Wall

Hey Sewer

This is how I tried it once and I almost gave it up
for good:

Take one slice of bread.
Spread a 3/4 inch thick layer of Marmite on
Take a bite.

This is how a German colleague of mine, new to Marmite
and therefore absolved of all blame, made a Marmite
sandwich for me whilst fetching cups of tea.


Marmite combos

Post 4

Researcher 137856

Hi Wall.
An overdose.
Have you tried microwaving a marmite sandwich. Not advisable.

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