This is the Message Centre for molly_moody

day 2 of being a member

Post 1


journal entry one hasnt appeared yet but i doing number two(the journal entry number two you understand!) cos im bored and have 15mins of lunch left!

I'm bored. My job of which ive been in about 4months, is boring the crap outta me. Its dull administrative jobs and althought he post is only for a year I can't imagine being here that long! I have got a permanant post ion the courts service but am waiting for all the security checks to be completed before i get my placement!

and as we know the civil servants aren't the speediest at things! so ive been informed it could take 3-6months! ARGHHHHHHHHHH

My good friend Winnoch led me to this site after i tried to install him into the world of bebo (my page is and excuse the slowness but itll take time getting used to this and learning guideML.

10mins to go...hmmmmmm what else.

ay yes. my work load is very light at present and im uber bored! teh days are dragging in and it feels pintless getting up at 6am everymorning to travel for an hour by train to sit here bored!

Its a means to an end tho. I start my final 3years study in September then I'll be a fully trained counsellor (hopefully!) and can leave the crappy civil service!!!!!!!!

day 2 of being a member

Post 2

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Due to the fact that this site can screw up on occasion, folk here learn pretty fast to copy and save any text that takes anything more than a few minutes to write!

Usually the back button will save you if you get an error message, but not always. I'm paranoid about saving anything i write anywhere- e-mails, work documents, whatever, anything that's longer than... well this post, really!

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