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You liked my poetry

Post 1

Researcher Marj

I went to your lost poetry site couldn't see any though. Pleased you liked mine Thanks. I lived in Perth for 3 months several years ago we liked W.A bit prefer South Australia. Cheers Marj.Can't see upour name and forget who you were, something to do with lost poems. This site makes me as dopey as everyone else.You can put my so called poetry any where you like, as it is not my better stuff.

You liked my poetry

Post 2


That's OK Marj ... it takes a while to figure out how this site works. If you want to have another go at finding the "lost" poems, you just go to the Lost Poetry Office at and scroll down through the text ... towards the end you'll see a load of live links ... most of them will take you to a poem or group of poems (except for some that are still being moderated). If you'd like any of you poems included, all you have to do is write them in a message to me, and I'll put them up on the site, with a link from the LPO page. ( prefer not to grab other people's poems and put them on the site ...I think it's better for the authors to choose. smiley - smiley

Yes ... Perth is pretty nice. I've been to Adelaide a couple of times (not elsewhere in SA though) .... it's quite a relaxed city too. I bump into several Australians on this site from time to time .... it needs someone to keep the place busy while Europe is asleep! smiley - winkeye

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