This is the Message Centre for Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

Drama, Drama, Drama

Post 1

Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

First off, I'd like to say, I'm not a thesbian....well, not anymore. But that has nothing to do with the subject. I have come to the conclusion that I would be better off living the life of a hermit somewhere in a far off cave. At least that way I wouldn't have to put up with all the drama created by my friends. Sometimes it just gets to be more than I can handle. Hmmmm......maybe this isn't all that great of a place to vent. Oh well, I don't mind. LOL

Drama, Drama, Drama

Post 2


You have friends? What sort of drama? This is all so very intriguing... and, you're right. This isn't all that great a place to vent. But now that you've started, why stop?

Drama, Drama, Drama

Post 3

Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

Yes, I have friends. It's a rather interesting experience. And as for the drama, well, let's just say that people are telling other people that I said some not so nice things about the other people, when in reality I never said anything about the aforementioned 'other people' in the first place. So now, the 'other people' are mad at me, and I'm mad at the 'people' who told the 'other people'that I said stuff and the 'people' are mad that the 'other people' confronted me about the stuff that the 'people' told them that I had supposedly said. So there just this nifty little cirle of drama and I see no end to it in the foreseeable future.

Drama, Drama, Drama

Post 4


yes. confusing. but you still have me.

Drama, Drama, Drama

Post 5

Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

Why thank you. You are very VERY lucky that you are outside the little drama circle.

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