This is the Message Centre for Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

Welcome to h2g2, Joe Jo

Post 1

The Cheese

Hi there! I'm The Cheese, and I'm an ACE, one of the official h2g2-greeters-of-new-users. I hope you dive in and start joining us in; we're very welcoming. Here are some places where you can start: - All the Researchers who have joined over the past week - The ACEs Homepage - The Aroma Cafe

You can usually look on the front page - - in the 'Five Busiest Forums' and 'World of h2g2' sections to find the places where lots of Researchers like you and me are hanging out.

See you in the forums! smiley - fish

~~The Cheese, ACE

Welcome to h2g2, Joe Jo

Post 2

Princess Bride

If you mean how long does it take a swallow to get to your stomach, I think it's about 10 seconds. My husband says anyway. Anyway welcome to h2g2!

Welcome to h2g2, Joe Jo

Post 3

Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

Heh, heh. Thanks but thats not quite the info i was looking for.

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