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Im Sorry

Post 1


Yesterday I got the urge to cut myself again. Randy could tell. He told me not to cut myself and I said i didn't want to. He went out and got drunk becasue he was upset. It had been almost 2 weeks since he did something like that. I stuck safety pins in my wrist that night. This morning I cut my wrist up with an exacto knife, but not enough that I ws seriously injured. I told Randy when he came over what I had done. I couldn't lie to him. He got upset cause he still doesnt understand why I feel I have to do this. We started to argue and he said something like "when i got into this relationship I thought everything was so perfect, but I always get the f****d up girls". That made me feel like s**t. We argued some more. He started to cry. So did I. Everything is better now, but unless i find someway to get over this problem, I know we'll break up.

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