This is the Message Centre for Sara

Mental Health Day

Post 1


No, it's not a holiday. Maybe it should be, with greetings cards and inspirational commercials on the radio and television.

Today is a day I took off of work for my own sanity's sake.

Adam (my husband) tried to wake me up this morning.

A: (cute and sweet) Time to get out of bed.

Me: (content and cozy, eyes still shut) Uh-uh. I'm gonna take today off.

A: (shrugs) OK

It was like a dream come true. I felt no guilt and am enjoying being home doing almost nothing. I'm catching up on some reading, writing to some friends, and (obviously) updating my journal. Recently, I got off the phone with a real estate agent. I am going to look at house on Monday to investigate its possibilities as our next home, our first house. I'm thrilled!

One of those secrets I mentioned earlier came out in a small way today. It was a huge relief. It always is.

I went out with some people from work and a friend from my life last night and it wasn't much fun. My friend and I had more fun at dinner beforehand and going out afterwards to get dinner to take home to Adam and my friend's boyfriend than we did at the bar. Her boyfriend and Adam are recording an album in Adam's home studio. Going out is the best way to stay sane when they start working on it.

I'm excited about going to Killington this weekend. There will be many lovely people there.


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Mental Health Day

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