This is the Message Centre for Sara


Post 1


Not a day goes by that I don't think about going away.

Is this a bad thing?


Post 2



i'm new into H2G2 town and see you're on line. When you say you want to go away - where to? I am just about to chuck in a great job and take my family to France where we will run a ski challet - 6 day a week, one day off, no money but a great quality of life and time to spend with my wife (Ade) and 2 kids...

Do it.


Post 3


If I've had a life where chucking it all was new, it would make sense to go. I've usually taken the adventure over the mundane. I'll find adventure again but I think it's time to invest some stationery time in my education and my self. I won't be still long, but the time for stillness is now.

I wish you the best. Your plans sound exciting and promising. Your family will love it and remember it forever. Good for you!

Maybe our paths will cross. I hope so.


Post 4


Thanks - I'll keep in touch - maybe you and yours will come to France and need a challet. Bye for now.


Post 5

Monsuana Aubiana

Deep within myself I am a free spirit... ready to take off and do whatever I please. And, although I've done my fair share of adventure, it will never meet the expectations I've set.

I commend both of you for taking off and knowing that where the wind blows is sometimes the best route to take. smiley - smiley

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