A Conversation for Low Brass Instruments

The Acrobat (ever heard that one?)

Post 1


Low brass instruments - yes. Sexy as they may be, and don't get me wrong, I like a bit o'bass, but why is it that, in youth bands at any rate, it appears to be the single handed responsibility of the lower brass players to be the jokers of the group? Interesting theory. It's like, because they can hide behind their instruments they think the conductor won't notice!

The Acrobat (ever heard that one?)

Post 2


In my opinion, it's the trombone players who are the jokers in every band. I think the strageness of trombone players comes with the instrument, as soon as you pick one up, the crazy side of any musician is let loose...

The Acrobat (ever heard that one?)

Post 3


That's so true actually! The three trombonists in the district band I was in when I was at school (only a year and a half ago!) were always introduced in concert solo's as the 'clowns of the band'. Haha. But they really were. Forget band leaders joking about - I'd rather have a good trombonist any day! smiley - nahnah

The Acrobat (ever heard that one?)

Post 4


In my experiece its the sax players =who are the jokers particulary the alto's...

The Acrobat (ever heard that one?)

Post 5


*defends trombones*

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