A Conversation for CB (Citizens Band Radio)

Cool things to do on CBs

Post 1


On a CB radio there are a number of cool things to do, below is a list:
1) Act like a little kid
2) Make stupid noises
3) Sing
4) Play music
5) If you have a repeater that beeps back after you let go of the mic (PTT), then press PTT, let go, hear beep, press PTT, let go.... keep this up untill either you annoy someone and they try to yell at you, or until someone else joins in on the fun.
6) Give out phone numbers of people you don't know/hate.
7) Do anything to annoy anyone listening

This is just a small list, but you will work out your own cool things to use on a CB

Cool things to do on CBs

Post 2


well I suppose you could in fact talk on the things?
smiley - smiley

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Cool things to do on CBs

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