This is the Message Centre for UweHauck
Hello UweHauck...
Crescent Started conversation Jun 13, 2000
...and welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition I am an Assistant Community Editor (or ACE), just popping by to say hi and to advertise the ACE services. Other than meeting and greeting we also try and help anyone who is experiencing difficulty with the sight
So if you find yourself experiencing difficulty with the sight then click 'reply' below and yell. I will come running when I hear it
On another note, there are very few Articles in the Guide about frugal living, I would like to see more
and does UweHauck mean anything? Well, until later.....
BCNU - Crescent
Hello UweHauck...
The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin Posted Jun 13, 2000
And hello from me, too. If you have any problems, just yell, and someone will be along to mock you. Er... sorry, that should be 'help you'. Anyway, here's a couple of links I found useful: (a quick reference guide) (a new users welcome) Share and enjoy! :-)
Hello UweHauck...
The real Mad Max Posted Jun 27, 2000
Wo ist denn bitte Möckmühlen?
- will eine aus Konstanz wissen.
Hello UweHauck...
UweHauck Posted Aug 24, 2000
Also Möckmühl liegt bei Heilbronn Baden Württemberg.
Eine sehr schoene Gegend mit schoenen Radwegen..
Hello UweHauck...
UweHauck Posted Aug 24, 2000
Hey, great idea i will soon post something on the topic of frugality.
And yes, UweHauck in fact is simply my real name (;
Besides, ever thought about an Interface to the guide for pdas like Palm or WindowsCE ? Something via Avantgo for example where you can post a search request and retrieve the result.. oder get the last 10 entries or something like that.
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Hello UweHauck...
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."