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A bath by the Thames

Post 1

Bald Bloke

Having started logging the various places of Interest I visit I may as well continue.

Today's not quite on the beaten track event, was Visiting the Billingsgate Roman House and Baths.

The remains (Foundations and floors) of a high status house and private bath house, are hidden beneath a modern office block on Lower Thames street, just along from London Bridge.
This house would have been right on the riverbank in Roman times and would have been in a prime position according to roman estate agents.

The fact that it is only occasionally accessible and the access and viewing areas are of basic construction (bare concrete and scaffolding), in my opinion gives more of the feel of an actual dig than a cleaned up and fully accessible museum piece ever would.

Well worth a visit if you are in the area on one of the days when it is open.

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A bath by the Thames

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