A Conversation for Star Wars

Phantom Menace

Post 1

Blood Angel

The Phantom menace is gonna be MEGA!!!!!! I can't wait!

Phantom Menace

Post 2


Yep it gonna kick major asssssssss .... can't wait till it opens in the cinemas !

Phantom Menace

Post 3

Blood Angel

The trailers look awsome.The special effects and all.The only thing i'm worried about is a 6 year old kid flying a fighter!

Phantom Menace

Post 4


Hey cool !!!! Your'e into Star Wars !!
Yay !!

Check out my user page, for a Nightmare of an experience I had today, about the Phantom Menace !

HELP ! I can't bear the wait !!

See Ya...

Phantom Menace

Post 5

Blood Angel

Those r my thoughts entirely,especially about the kid in a starfighter.

Honestly, kids these days......

Phantom Menace

Post 6

Jim Lynn

Err - Blood Angel - they *are* your thoughts entirely...

And as for the kid, that's Luke Skywalker's dad, so it makes sense he'd be a pilot from an early age.

Phantom Menace

Post 7

Blood Angel

THis is just a guess but i recon that the last scene of episode 2 or 3 will be a fight between Obi Wan and Anakin. That's a sheer guess mind.

Phantom Menace

Post 8


My dad worked on the origanal Star Wars film making me a big fan
but the Phantom Menace doesn't live up to the hype.
Once you have seen it you will soon start wishing for Anakin Skywalker to die a lot sooner than the
Return of the Jedi.
He is the most annoying thing since Agadoo by Black Lace.
I'm currently working on a Vodoo Doll of him to play football with followed by some decapitation.

Phantom Menace

Post 9


By the way Blood Angel do you play Warhammer 40k?

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