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weird times

Post 1


Times are tangled at the moment. I don't know what is happening. Days seem to be weeks, weeks seem months to me. My life is apparently preparing for a change. I am awaiting the entry into real life. Talking about next year means something unknown. This is new to me as I have always known what should come next. Next year means leaving university, means searching for a job, means planning the nearest future. Should I take a flat with a friend or with the man I love? Where will he work in one year? Will we be able to build up some futurama together? Where will I be, and, who will I be?
All these questions worry me and leave me in a special state of permanent high voltage. Nevertheless do I think that there is no more exciting time in life than this. I am looking forward to what might expect me.
Being an adult is so exhausting, sometimes.

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weird times

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