A Conversation for Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales - Places to Eat

What no University reference.

Post 1

Demon Drawer

I'm only concerned as I applied to do Economics and Swedish at Lampeter and it's the only reason I even looked up this article. smiley - sadface

What no University reference.

Post 2

Gag Halfrunt

Cheap, good food beats a degree any day!

What no University reference.

Post 3


Sorry about that, I didn't think the refectory would of been counted as a good place to eat (for tourists that is) the food there's OK though.

I'll get around to writing about the university if you want more info go to www.lamp.ac.uk/

The university is great a little bit isolated but it has a friendly atmosphere.

What no University reference.

Post 4


Get on with your work!!!!


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