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Post 1


Well thinks you should do and thinks you shouldn't do..., for example you should NOT go to Scandinavia WITHOUT having good beer and some spirits with you... thats what I learned during my time in sweden, a REALLY GOOD TIME, very nice people, a good social environment at work, a beautiful summer a great parties.


Post 2


Of course you should do things that you wan't to do here, just be ready to stand with the stares that you get from people, here in my little town that's called Vetlanda, People think that because you act crasy you are either drunk or crasy and best belong to a mental hospital, I know i'm quite there already. Thats why me and my friend are going out Hitch hiking in Europe next year. This way we can do as Prefect did, see new things and taste new drinks.
Sorry but I have to go now bye bye "vagabond"


Post 3


Well I don't know were Vetlanda is located exactly, but I think hiking Europe you will most probably pass Copenhavn. Enjoy it! Copenhavn has everything from the best museum of art (Loisiana, close to Humlebaeck), via light amusement in a "lucky shiny world" (Tivoli and some quite good pups) to an alternative styled peaceful place to be (Kristiana). For your further trip I can recommend stops in Groningen, Düsseldorf, Prague and, depending on your schedule, a few others, e.g. if you pass the north of Germany around Pfingsten you should be in Appel around 2 o'clock on Pfingstsunday morning....

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