This is the Message Centre for Witty Moniker

A Special and Regretfully Belated Invitation to Witty Moniker

Post 1

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*A letter arrives on expensive cream coloured paper, written with silver ink in caligraphy*

Mme Moniker:

I apologize for sending this card out so late, however your talents *have* been refered to me by a distinguished gentleman who's name I must refrain from disclosing at this juncture. Should you RSVP in the positive we would all be delighted for your presence.

You are hereby invited to a dinner and a mystery at Illusion Hall . There will be members of STUMPED and of CHOPPERS in attendance, but rest assured they have been required to check their weapons at the door. Thank you ever so much for concidering my invitation.

Respectfully yours,
Lord Reflection

A Special and Regretfully Belated Invitation to Witty Moniker

Post 2

Witty Moniker

Dear Lord Reflection:

I shall be delighted to attend. You may expect my arrival shortly.

Witty Moniker

*Runs off to her closet to find the perfect outfit.*

A Special and Regretfully Belated Invitation to Witty Moniker

Post 3

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*hastily scribbled note*

I just wanted to make sure that your attempt to leave in the Illusion Hall thread was meant to provoke the reaction it did (the classic "you can't leave" situation). If you really wanted to leave, I could dissappear you fairly quickly, I'd just want to do it in keeping with the game. I hope you're having some fun.

If you want reassurance, Jim was good enough to buy androids for all the victims /except/ Stavro. So when any of the /guests/ have to be "murdered" they'll be informed ahead of time, and replaced by an android. That's what's about to happen to Minos Krymla...

Lord Reflection

A Special and Regretfully Belated Invitation to Witty Moniker

Post 4

Witty Moniker

Lord Reflection,

I was just doing my part to advance the plot. I fully intend to play this out to the end.

Unfortunately, RL intruded on most of my day today.


P.S. I did my homework... I knew about the droids.

A Special and Regretfully Belated Invitation to Witty Moniker

Post 5

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

The question is, what have you figgured out about the Beatles?

A Special and Regretfully Belated Invitation to Witty Moniker

Post 6

Witty Moniker

Other than the Rocky Raccoon/Gideon's Bible reference, not much.

A Special and Regretfully Belated Invitation to Witty Moniker

Post 7

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

There's very little else, really. Well, it depends on how you look at it.

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