This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Just a few questions

Post 1

Blood Angel

Hi Jim, I notest your about at the moment and just wanted to ask a few questions.
1)Roughly how long will it take for my my articles to get reviewed? As i've submitted 6 articles now all submitted at various times yesterday.
2)If they do get accepted how will I know?
3)Do you think it would be a good idea to have a chat room somewhere, like IRC?
4)Do you work on Sundays(or any one else who helps with this site)!?

I would be greatfull if you could answer these queries as soon as possible, I will be around for the next few hours. If you can't answer straight away don't worry about it(I know you have a lot on your hands right now).

Thanks a lot,Alex.

Just a few questions

Post 2

Jim Lynn

1) It will depend on how many editors are working at any time. We don't yet know what volume of articles we will receive, or how much work it will take editing them. I wouldn't expect any definitive answer until after Tuesday, because of the Bank holiday, and because everyone at TDV is exhausted after the launch.
2) You will get an email telling you if the article has been accepted or rejected.
3) Yes, but that will come later.
4) Sometimes. I'm posting from home at the moment, and my wife is frowning at me, so I shouldn't spend too much time here.

Just a few questions

Post 3

Blood Angel

Thanks a lot.Keep up the good work

Just a few questions

Post 4


Hi Jim,
Thanks for all the information on how long we have to wait to see if our entry has been accepted BUT HOW DO I SUBMIT AN ENTRY TO THE EDITORS? Is there a page I should be looking at (I`ve looked at the tips on what type of entry to submit)

Just a few questions

Post 5

Jim Lynn

Once you've created a page, go back and edit it. You will see the 'Consider for rejection' button which will bring your page to the attention of the editors. Then all you have to do is wait.

Just a few questions

Post 6


Phew! That was quick Jim - you really are a dedicated employee. Thanks a lot.

Perhaps it might be an idea if a page was dedicated to this sort of information, a sort of Researchers Guide to the Hitch Hikers Guide, which could be hyperlinked to the opening page or to Researchers Home Pages? Just a thought and it might cut your workload in the long run and thus prevent some of those steely glances from the long-suffering wife!


Just a few questions

Post 7

Jim Lynn

That's a good idea. The Don't Panic page for the user page should be much more specific to the user page, and this is something we'll have to fix. And a specific link on the page itself when the user hasn't done anything would be incredibly useful.

Thanks for the feedback, Pip.

Just a few questions

Post 8


Another frequently asked question I've noticed is "How can we easily find other (unsubmitted) user pages in order to review them?" The search engine rarely finds them - perhaps a simple index would be the answer?


Just a few questions

Post 9

Jim Lynn

We're working on an index of the whole Guide, and it should appear shortly.

Just a few questions

Post 10


Just one additional thought - a discreet spellcheck button at the top of the page might be of use, not that I'm nit-picking!


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