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Had a thought while toweling myself off

Post 1

Bob the Dancing Monk

Hey there-
So you're the one Ford got to do this. Nice work, I must say. It ain't the Sub-Etha, but what can you do?

So, I was thinking. Obviously, working from our own Galactic Guides is not going to affect the Terran version one whit. (Damn, all of my
macros are gonna go to waste). Has there been any thought about making a reporting client that can be synced with one of their
'palmtops', like the Palm Pilot? It'd be nice to do some work on the Guide from remote locations and then sync the next time I log
into their Internet (Zarquon, this network's a pain in the ass).

Had a thought while toweling myself off

Post 2

Jim Lynn

Yes, this guide will, sooner or later, be easily accessible from a handheld device eerily similar to the one Douglas imagined all those years ago.

In fact, I would bet that you will even be able to buy one that look *exactly* like the one in the BBC series, because people would buy it.

h2g2 is only on the internet because that's all we have. In time, it will be everywhere.

Had a thought while toweling myself off

Post 3

Bob the Dancing Monk

[taking off my on-line persona for a sec]

Excellent. Some colleagues and I were considering doing something very much like The Guide as a sort of handheld killer app. I'm glad
yall have thought about. This looks really good. The only thing I have a problem with is not knowing if there's been new conversation in a discussion forum that I've contributed to.

[back to the fray - and what _is_ the turnaround, you figure, for new submitted articles, anyway?]

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