This is the Message Centre for Lazuras (Researcher 33634)

Exam Prep

Post 1

Lazuras (Researcher 33634)

 Okay this is what i think about exams.
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But apart from that they are no good at testing the real human inside you, they are a long and tedious and incredibly stressfull form of memory test. I am dyslesic (you can tell can't you!) this means that in my case I have problems writing essays and keeping them coherent so all the stuff I do remember will probably be lost in the essays anyway. A much better way to asssess people would be verbale assement as from this you would be able to see that the person can rember understand and manipulate the knowlege that the have been taught, coursework is a half way house and is becoming much more popular.
So even though I do not think much of them I have to go and revise now. By.

Exam Prep

Post 2

Proffessor Yaffle

I used to think exams were an OK way of testing knowledge. Now I'm busy messing up my A-levels and I've realised that coursework is a far better way of testing knowledge. Plus, after doing coursework my brain doesn't hurt as much. Overall though I'm much rather stay at home and sleep, drink beer and eat. I cant wait to be a Uni student smiley - smiley

Exam Prep

Post 3

Lazuras (Researcher 33634)

so true.
but now that i have finished i can say that i do not give a sh*t.

Exam Prep

Post 4

Proffessor Yaffle

yuppers. i too have finished school for ever smiley - smiley Now, with hindsight i can say it was hell, but if I went through it, everyone else will have to endure it too!

Exam Prep

Post 5

Dirk Vinkelhop

I three have finished school forever.. That is until I realise I can't get a job with my current A-Level grades and so have to go back to do them again or something smiley - smiley

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