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Personal Diary Of Pikephish - Experiencing Physical Laws In Daily Life

Post 1


June, 19th, 2000:
Learned yesterday that in rotating systems of reference there may be inherent forces that keep particles on their trajectory. These forces can only be detected from another inertial system which is in motion referring to that other system.
Today ordered a few pints of lager in the evening. When ordering the tenth pint I must eventually have gotten into another system of reference, because I felt inherent forces that kept pulling me towards the left-hand wall and my feet towards the right-hand wall.

Possible Conclusions: 1) Alcoholic systems needn't be inertial systems. 2) It always seems that you are the only one referring to this systems because everyone else doesn't seem to have similar problems.

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Personal Diary Of Pikephish - Experiencing Physical Laws In Daily Life

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