This is the Message Centre for pikephish

Change away!

Post 1

Santragenius V

Don't worry, it's changeable! Personally, I prefer to bang my head against the monitor. For one thing, I'll have to be a bit gentle not to break it (thus it won't hurt too much) and secondly, it's so nice when I stop doing it... smiley - smiley Well, it doesn't solve any problems either, but that's life...

Welcome to H2G2! If you need help or ideas or just someone to communicate with, there are several options (I'll only cover the H2G2 ones smiley - winkeye):

The Don't Panic pages (aka Help/FAQs) are linked from every page up near the top graphic thingy

The ACEs will be happy to help -- we actually do like helping and thus turned into Assistant Community Editors. Come over to and see us...

There's also a forum for newcomers this week -- you'll find it linked off the front page.

Have a nice time around!


Already done

Post 2


Thanx a lot for the helpful advices. And I have always thought people in internet businesses would be boring, cryptographic in their expression and helplessly lost if given a grammatic text for elmentary school with the task to underline all nouns with a green pencil. But after this immediate reply... I'll give my word - I'll stick with h2g2 and tell all my friends to do the same.

Change away!

Post 3

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Just to save you searching for it, this is the link to the newcomers welcome:

Change away!

Post 4


Fine... I'll check it out.

(Boy, this is really scary how fast you get replies... :-{} )

P.S.: Isn't there a smilie sign for the emotion "scared"? Or at least for "a little frightened"?

Change away!

Post 5

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Er... not at the moment. The nearest is probably smiley - bigeyes. smiley - winkeye

Change away!

Post 6

Demon Drawer

But don't be too scared we're a friendly buch. smiley - smiley

Really smiley - winkeye

Honestly smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fish DD smiley - smiley

Change away!

Post 7


This is irony of fate, isn't it? Someone with the ominous name Demon Drawer (Master of the Hounds) tells me not to be scared....
I wish I would have switched on the light when i was entering these dark caverns of the personified evil. smiley - winkeye

*howling in the background accompanied from frenzy violin squeaking while black shadows filmed with the autofocus turned off rush over the scene*

smiley - smiley

Change away!

Post 8


Don't worry about old Demon Drawer's...

* guess how he got THAT name !!! smiley - bigeyes *

...I've always got one eye on him... smiley - winkeye

smiley - fish - Simply, High Spirited.

Change away!

Post 9

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Where do you kep the other eye then? smiley - bigeyes

Change away!

Post 10

Demon Drawer

Now, now. All will be revealed shortly in the h2g2 Post. smiley - smiley

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