This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy*please imagine that this invitation is on expensive feeling cream colour paper, in silver ink, done in a fancy caligraphy style* Garius Lupus, You are coordially invited the Hall of Illusions http://www.h2g2.c

Post 1

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*please imagine that this invitation is on expensive feeling
cream colour paper, in silver ink, done in a fancy caligraphy

Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy,
You are coordially invited the Hall of Illusions for dinner and a mystery. I
realize you are affiliated with CHOPPERS. Know beforehand
that members of STUMPED are also on my list of guests.
Please believe me, however, this soirée is not meant to turn
into a brawl. It shall be a civilized event, if all goes well.

No weapons allowed, please.

Lord Reflection

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 2

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Um... Oops, I didn't mean to make the subject heading that long. Must have mistyped something.

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 3

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Thank you kindly. I'll be along presently. Have you any...alias on H2G2?

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 4

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Mr. Heavy, this is a mystery thread. I'm not going to just answer questions willy-nilly, am I?

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 5

Uncle Heavy [sic]

So. A yes then.
smiley - smiley

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 6

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

I'll give you this, I used to be named "Prospero", but no one really knows me as Prospero.

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 7

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Fair enough.

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 8

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

By the way, if you *do* come to any conclusions about me, please don't tell anyone or let on that you know anything significant, unless it seems to be appropriate (you know, "Solution time"). There are Ten Little Researchers invited, and if you've ever read Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians" aka "And Then there Were None", you'll see where it's all going.

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 9

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

By the way, if you *do* come to any conclusions about me, please don't tell anyone or let on that you know anything significant, unless it seems to be appropriate (you know, "Solution time"). There are Ten Little Researchers invited, and if you've ever read Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians" aka "And Then there Were None", you'll see where it's all going.

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 10

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

By the way, if you *do* come to any conclusions about me, please don't tell anyone or let on that you know anything significant, unless it seems to be appropriate (you know, "Solution time"). There are Ten Little Researchers invited, and if you've ever read Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians" aka "And Then there Were None", you'll see where it's all going.

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 11

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I have never inn my born days seen a triple posting. Good job!

A Special Invitation to Uncle 'Goriff' Heavy

Post 12

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Thank you, I'll bet I can't do it again... unless the site is slow smiley - winkeye

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