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Poem Silent Shadow: Blood red, Rose petals are on your lips, And honeydew is in your kiss, Feather soft, The touch of your fingers, And in autumn leaves your face lingers

Post 1


My day you light, Brushing the cobwebs away, And when the stars glimmer at the end of the day, When your thoughts steal softly through the night, To come and hold me, So close So tight, I can feel your silent shadow, Guiding me towards tomorrow

Poem Silent Shadow: Blood red, Rose petals are on your lips, And honeydew is in your kiss, Feather soft, The touch of your fingers, And in autumn leaves your face lingers

Post 2


'ning rose-q

Beautiful images; this is a good poem to inspire the day's work of editing.

tartaronne smiley - smiley

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Poem Silent Shadow: Blood red, Rose petals are on your lips, And honeydew is in your kiss, Feather soft, The touch of your fingers, And in autumn leaves your face lingers

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