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Greetings IceMan

Post 1


Hi there and welcome to h2g2... Hmm... me thinks you have me at a disadvantage as you seem to know me... and me is wondering who and maybe what you are... unless you play cards in your spare time... ~grin~

Me is an Assistant Community Editor... as you proberly know.... and we ACE's like to make sure that everything is alright... and that you have no problems... ~grin~.. if you do... don't hesitate to ask.. and me will try to sort something out for you...

Nice to see a newcommer with taste at last... ~big grin~... joining GAS nearly as soon as you arrived has got to be a first... Me bows down to your intelligence and good humour...

Greetings IceMan

Post 2


Why thankyou Greebo, such worthy praise from my favourite cat.
Seems like you got me sussed striaght away...but then not really hard...was it??
Thanks for the offer of help sure I'll need lots of that...when I get round to decorating my new home...and as soon as I saw GAS I had to join, after all you are the one who introduced me to this fantastic new world.

Greetings IceMan

Post 3


~grin~... me loves it here... and me is rather glad that you are enjoying it as well... ~huggle~

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