A Conversation for Playstation 2

psx 2

Post 1

Blood Angel

Playstation 2 is going to blow the dreamcast out of the water! Come on then Sega, if you think you're hard enough!

psx 2

Post 2

Spineless Squirrely Jellyfish

okay first of all the let me say that I hold no system loyalties, I just dislike seeing people proclaim their idiotic opinions. The Dreamcast will have plenty of time to create a huge userbase, and is really not as underpowered as most people think. Look at the graphics for the first few games....these are first generation games...think about that won't you....also remember how badly Sony will be eaten alive on pricepoint because of the huge cost of the EE. Most importantly remember not to count out Nintendo, they have learned from their mistakes...and also remember that I hold no company loyalty. I believe all systems will succeed, and hope I am right for the sake of you gamers

psx 2

Post 3

Bjorn Bednarek

The backwards compatability of the Playstation 2 will mean it will have a huge base
of existing games when it is realeased. Also playing DVD movies makes it a good
buy purely for that purpose, with the bonus of playing games. Dreamcast's modem
gives it an edge, as does the arcade background of Sega, but Sony will release a
broadband compatible modem in 2001. It all means better games for consumers.

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