This is the Message Centre for Blood Angel


Post 1

Blood Angel

Hi,i like computer games,roller blading,cricket,tennis,Games Workshop,Star Wars,James Bond,Music and lot's more.Just ask!


Post 2


Heya smiley - smiley hehehe thanks to visit my homepage ! .. theres lots things if you like the Simpsons or Pink Floyd ... but what the heck smiley - smiley)))))

I am also a BIG Star Wars fan and its good that you made a forum about it.

Talk soon.


Post 3

Blood Angel

Thanks for replying!I am also a star wars nut! See you in the star wars forum in the future!


Post 4


Hi again ... that was the most obvious place i could reply to you to make sure that you see it. #chatparty is a channel on IRC - Undernet - you can see all about it at: (that is to avoid frames hassle) or see the proper one at (link will be on the left hand side on the frames) ... hope we see you there smiley - smiley)) ... whatever the case ... talk soon !


Post 5


Hi again Alex , hehhe, this exchange of messages is fun ... but we cant actually communicate this way ... If you have ICQ, then my number is 8114448 - whats yours? message me there. In mIRC I use the nick: Jammm


Post 6


Well ... Microsoft chat is not very good in my opinion .. you should get the two ultimate ones - mIRC and ICQ. Get mIrc from - and when u install it and connect come to the Undernet server ..... ICQ is worth getting /... take it from ... let me know how you getting on ... if you want email me ... my address on my homepage. See ya smiley - smiley


Post 7


I am in Chatzone of chataway now ... hope u can make it there ... what nick u using there?


Post 8

Blood Angel

Not chataway,it's chatway.I'm Blood Angel in there


Post 9


Hey Alex,
Long time no see man ! Hope everything is fine
talk soon smiley - smiley

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