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Post 1

Sonic Healer

It would seem the critical factor here is your spouse's memory (ie the efficacy thereof). If his powers of recall are particularly poor, then for all we know poor Abigail (God rest her soul) might have trundled off this earthly treadmill only last week, in which case you have a problem. On the other hand, if sufficient time has elapsed since she went to ground, as it were, then we can hope that Mother Earth has taken Ab's physical residue to her bosom, and there's nothing left but enriched soil. Either way, I suggest that since your spouse obviously has far too much time on his hands domestically speaking, you get around this problem in future by having him construct a coffin (plywood offcuts are cheap and perfectly suited to this)or a headstone of some kind. By the way, what's a mirkin?


Post 2

Digital Dorothy

For those who cannot afford dictionaries (although they will do soon) a mirkin is a pubic wig.

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