This is the Message Centre for gote
njan (afh) Started conversation May 24, 2000
Hi, another of the group here. Njan's the name. Let me be the first person to extend the official h2g2 welcome from all the ACEs (Assistant Community Editors). I hope your stay here is frugal.
If in need of assistance, please feel free to shout kin my general direction, or go to the ACEs page. (There's a link to it on the h2g2 front page, somewhere, I think).
have fun!
- Njan.
gote Posted May 24, 2000
Thank you for your most gracious offer of assistance. I'm sure I will enjoy my stay here and hope it will be a prolonged one.
njan (afh) Posted May 25, 2000
*s*.. well, I'm here to serve.
I hope you do... and I wish you as prolongued-a-stay as is possible without you getting bored.
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