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Living with a dieter

Post 1

Sensible Spice

It seems to me that there is an infinite number of places to turn when you want to diet. From countless fitness videos to a wide range of zero fat, zero calorie and zero tasting food.

But as the person who lives with the dieter, where do you go. Where's the advice on how to answer the question "have I lost weight ?". How do you point out that if you where meant to live on cabbage soup all day then it would taste nice. How do you tell the other half to stop complaining when you have desert in a restaurant (despite the fact that she helps herself to half of it).

In my mind this is an untapped market. I can dream of the money to be made out of books and videos dispensing the same piece of advice (eat less, exercise more) in hundreds of different ways as these dieting books.

Or perhaps as most "living with dieters" are men, then we don't really care about anyone else as long as we get our beer/gadjets/football (delete as necessary).

Living with a dieter

Post 2


Trouble is, there's nothing worse for a dieter, than living with someone naturally slim who "eats to live". A dieter, by nature, "lives to eat".
What you need to remember, is that if you live with a dieter, you live with someone who cares about how they look for you, which counteracts the fact that they bore you to death with their constant obsession with food and their weight!
Re-assure them that you really would rather they were fat and happy, and you can both go out and enjoy some dessert!

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