A Conversation for The Vikings - Why They Did It

What if...?

Post 21

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Laban9, the point you're making is taken from a tale that was written by a Christian storyteller a couple of centuries after the Vikings had finished their raids. If trying to convert someone to your particular faith, would it not be beneficial if you wrote a ficticious history and made stuff up about the brutality of the Gods of the people you try to convert?

I find the theory about vikings going to battle to die would be pretty much self defeating.

What if...?

Post 22


Wow your smart!!!!!
Are you some kind of a professor?!
But I did not meen that they went into battle to die, but to seek glory(I might be wrong?)!
In the old days fighting and who was the strongest one was a bigger part of the lifestyle (I thing)!

And I didnĀ“t try to convert anyone to a strange religion, but I do find Vikings and there ways interresting, after all I am a Norwegian.

What if...?

Post 23

Bran the Explorer

Well ... I'd be a bit suspicious of old Magnus and his view of the Vikings. There has been an anxiety in the literature over the last 30 years to redress the 'Vikings as bad-guys' image. Most of it misses the point, and assumes that they were just basically farmers who were mostly peaceful at home. This is not at all consistent with contemporary sources (even assuming some embellishment), and certainly not with the later saga literature. And as for the argument that the Gauls taught the 'peaceful' Scandinavians to fight ... there is no actual evidence beyond someone's fanciful imagining.

The issue to emphasize is not that the Vikings were 'good' or 'bad', but that they were pretty well the same as most other people in medieval Europe. They only stand out as they were pagan for a lot longer than the rest of western Europe, and that their raiding was done in ships so they covered a lot more ground than could be accessed over land.

They were not 'peace-loving' ... but who was??


What if...?

Post 24


Facts of the daysmiley - cake:
Hey! Did you know there was actually found an old prayer in a monestary in England that was supost to save the monks from the Vikingssmiley - biggrin.
(I think I pict that one up in "Ilustrated Sience")

Another fun fact is that my great, great, great ect. was Gange Rolf who actually leaded a massive force in to francesmiley - winkeye.

Any way, back to the point:
I really do think it that to fight was actually a glorius thing to do at this time(I would like to point out that to be carried by the Valcries in to Valhalla one had to die glorius in Battle, and in Valhalla one could fight and die all day(I have probobly said this before).

What if...?

Post 25


Facts of the daysmiley - cake:
Hey! Did you know there was actually found an old prayer in a monestary in England that was supost to save the monks from the Vikingssmiley - biggrin.
(I think I pict that one up in "Ilustrated Sience")

Another fun fact is that my great, great, great ect. was Gange Rolf who actually leaded a massive force in to francesmiley - winkeye.

Any way, back to the point:
I really do think it that to fight was actually a glorius thing to do at this time(I would like to point out that to be carried by the Valcries in to Valhalla one had to die glorius in Battle, and in Valhalla one could fight and die all day(I have probobly said this before).

What if...?

Post 26


Facts of the daysmiley - cake:
Hey! Did you know there was actually found an old prayer in a monestary in England that was supost to save the monks from the Vikingssmiley - biggrin.
(I think I pict that one up in "Ilustrated Sience")

Another fun fact is that my great, great, great ect. was Gange Rolf who actually leaded a massive force in to francesmiley - winkeye.

Any way, back to the point:
I really do think it that to fight was actually a glorius thing to do at this time(I would like to point out that to be carried by the Valcries in to Valhalla one had to die glorius in Battle, and in Valhalla one could fight and die all day(I have probobly said this before).

What if...?

Post 27


Sorry about all the messages.
I just clicked and clicked and clicked on the post message button, but it just would go back to the conversation menu.
Why God, Why!smiley - wah

What if...?

Post 28

Bran the Explorer

Laban, I agree: fighting would have been a glorius thing to do at this time - it was, after all, a "heroic" culture.

What if...?

Post 29


Finally someone hwo agrees!
cheers to you to mate!smiley - cheers

What if...?

Post 30


I must also say you prove a good point yourself "Bran the explorer"!smiley - ok

Did you guys know that most of the Norwegians who moved to Island was in fact Vikings and criminals who were band from the old country (kinda like Australiasmiley - cool).

smiley - bubbly A good day to you all, smiley - cheers.

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