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What am I lacking in my life?

Post 1

Balaji Pabbu

I always keep on thinking what I am lacking in my life. This thought has been delving my mind since a long time but I couldnt find the answer yet. I am sure this question troubles most of the people living on this world. Am I happy? This is another question that keeps on coming to my mind. What is happiness? Is it a positive state of mind that gives us strength to move about or that gives us a positive reinforcement to live our lives? I wish I knew the answer. Am I sad? What is sadness? Is it the negative state of mind that makes us weak? If happiness and sadness were so easily defined why aren't we unable to control these? There must be something that is missing in these definition. I am posting my thoughts here for all of you who visit my home page to read about this, to think about this, and send me your responses to help me build this site.

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What am I lacking in my life?

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