This is the Message Centre for Great Bo Tree of High Wycombe

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 1


Hi there... and welcome to h2g2... ~grin~... me hopes me got your name right... ~bigger grin~... me likes it... very interesting... and individual...

Oh... sorry... better introduce myself... me is Greebo T. Cat... a fellow researcher on the guide... and an Assistant Community Editor... so if you have any problems or rquire any help... and the A-Team don't seem interested... ~grin~... then ask me... Me can't guarentee an answer... but me will try my hardest to sort you out...

Me is glad to see you like cats... me is always interested in anyone that likes cats... ~cheeky grin~... in fact the only thing more interesting than cats... are of course doughnuts... so if you have any around then don't hesitate to pass them over... me will get rid of them for you...

Me was a little upset to read that you think of yourself a complete bastard... ~sad smile~... when you know that it is not so... most of the things you wrote you had no control over... so me thinks that you are being a little hard on yourself... tut... tut...

Er... hmmm... better stop this inane writing before youg et bored of me... ~sheepish grin~... but if you want to visit me... then click on my name above this message and then as if by magic... you will be brought to my homepage... leave a message... tell me that you think me is the most wonderful cat on h2g2... and me will be very happy... ~grin~... but most of all... remember not to panic!!!!

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 2

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

smiley - smiley

I am a very close person living as I do, up the road. smiley - winkeye

I am not saying EXACTLY where just that I go to JHGS and am completely insane *grins*

*hands Greebo a MHC HUD from Joanna*

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 3


aha... ~grin~... just what me needs... a doughnut... ~Greebo huggles Joe~

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 4

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*hugs Greebo back*

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 5

Great Bo Tree of High Wycombe

Hi Greebo, Hi Joe,

When you;ve stopped hugging and all that, dig into this back of doughnuts I picked up on my travels.

So what's JHGS? I assume its a grammer school?

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 6


~Greebo 'digs' in... ~ Thankyou hmmm... er... what does me call you for short???

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 7

Great Bo Tree of High Wycombe

Bo will do......

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 8


Bo.. ~grin~... me likes that... easy to remember...

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 9

Great Bo Tree of High Wycombe

So what do I call you...Greebo sounds a little derogatory? Secondly, my cat cannot even feed herself, how come you've managed to master the art of surfing the net?

Greetings er... hmm... Great Bo Tree... ~grin~

Post 10


~grin~... but Greebo's my name... though my friends around here call me Greebz... ~bigger grin~... its not a lot shorter is it...

Me a special cat... by the way... very intelligent...

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