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Spontanious combustion

Post 1

The Cat

Here's something to do if you're bored and have £2.00 spare:

go into a pharmacy and buy 1 bottle of glycerol (also called glycerin)it needn't be a big one, in fact i'd reccomend bying the cheapest one u can find.

ask over the counter for some 'potassium permangonate' (po-tass-ee-um perm-ang-an-8) if they ask what you want it for, say your going to sri lanka and you need it in case of snake bites (you shouldn't get any hassle) once acquired take both ingredients home and find safe place that wont burn (a patio is good) pour the potassium perm. into a little mountain and make an indent in the top (like a volcano)

pour some glycerol into the dent in the mountain, don't worry if it drips down the sides.

wait patiently, it shouldn't be long before it begins to fizz, before igniting in an attractive purple flame.

you can use this reaction as a short fuse for jug or petrol bombs.It also makes a rather entertaining party peice.

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Spontanious combustion

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