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Post 1


...I've been meaning to come by for a while, but you know how it is.

Yesterday, however, I got a very polite note from the moderators, stating that *someone* was accusing me of plagarism. Supposedly my 'how to run a LARP' article was a "word for word" transcription of something written by White Wolf, Inc.


Fortunately, a few phone calls cleared everything up. It turns out that the accusation of plagarism came from a third party - not the fine lawyers at White Wolf. Great. Some gamer gets a wild hair up his ass, and I nearly lose an article on H2G2. Bummer.

But, as I say, it was all sorted out. But, fellow researchers, be aware! If the moderators get jumpy and pull an article of yours, make sure the complaint is fully substantiated, before panicking (don't panic, forsooth) and then be nice when you talk to the Moderators - they're just trying to cover their butts. They don't like flesh-eating lawyers (or the threat of them) any more than you do.

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