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Whatta Day

Post 1


Visited a couple of old friends. I hadn't seen either of them for a very long time. I was "in the neighborhood" and just kind of "spur-of-the-moment" dropped by. It felt really good, as they both welcomed me with open arms. I should do that more often, or just plain old keep in touch with them. It's not like they're long distance or anything, they're just...not at convenient locations to me.

I'm trying to get my art "out there". I'd like to get a web page or some good publicity, because art is so damned hard to get respect for. Everyone thinks they can do what I do, and do it cheaper, but they really can't (or, if they can, they're artists, too). I'd really like to get this "working at home" thing going, because I'm no longer physically capable of working for a large corporation. I like to spend the time with the client and find solutions that will be accepted all around. I'm excited about what is possible, but I'm also very nervous about what also possible. Art and finances aren't usually in the same line of thought...usually poverty is the word associated with art. I'd like to fight that trend and go for the "Wow, she's really good, and she's worth every penny" thoughts.

Enough for today

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Whatta Day

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