This is the Message Centre for beatle

Hi There!!!...

Post 1


Welcome to H2G2, earth edition. I'm Shorty, one of the Assistant Community Editors around these parts and one of my jobs is to welcome newbies to the site and make them feel welcome smiley - smiley. Feel free to look around and visit my homepage at which has lots of useful links on it to help you find your way around. Also if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer it, and if I can't one of the other ACE's will. Oh, and you may need a towel and one of these smiley - fish,

See you around.

Shorty smiley - smiley

Hi There!!!...

Post 2

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I'm also an ACE so you can ask me too!

Hi There!!!...

Post 3

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

I'm no ACE, but you can ask *me* too... smiley - winkeye

Welcome to the h2g2, Andy... smiley - smiley

Hi There!!!...

Post 4

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Hello from me too! That's how it is round here - all happy people being nice too each other... I think! smiley - bigeyes

Try going here:

It's the newcomers welcome, and most of them don't find it for ages! smiley - winkeye

Hi There!!!...

Post 5

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

Well, most new users are welcomed directly on their pages, that's why... smiley - winkeye

But you're right, this page should be worth a look... smiley - smiley

...not that I ever found it, of course... smiley - winkeye

Hi There!!!...

Post 6

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I don't think he's found us yet

Hi There!!!...

Post 7


Well hello everybody thank you for that very hoopy welcome.

I actually didn't know people would be posting directly to this page so I am a bit suprised.......I have been away for most of the all weekend but obviously I'll have to find a computer no matter where I am!!!!

My question is what to you guys put in your entry's.....I wrote one on my hometown which can be viewed from my "homepage" (wherever that is!) what do you think how can I improve???

thank you for your time,
Andy smiley - smiley

Hi There!!!...

Post 8

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

What to write an entry on... Absolutely anything that you know anything at all about! Although it's usually a good idea to search for any existing articles on similar subjects before you start (use the little window at the top of every page). That way, you can avoid too much overlap of material (a good idea if you're going to be submitting your entries), and also include any relevant links.

And to get to anyone's homepage, just click on their name, either at the top of a forum post they've made (like I'm doing now), or at the top right corner of a guide article - it says either researcher or editor, depending on whether or not the entry has been approved. It's dead easy once you've done it a few times. smiley - smiley

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