This is the Message Centre for John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Just wanted to say . . .

Post 1


Thanks JTG for doing a splendid job editing my "Netball" article! Between you and TV's Frink (who was the inspiration for the article on account of the fact that I wrote it in an attempt to explain the sport to him), I can barely take any credit for it at all!! THANK YOU! smiley - smiley

Just wanted to say . . .

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

You're too modest; the article was extremely well written. Thanks for the kind words though.smiley - smiley

I remember netball as being something the girls played in ancient days when I was a child in England; but, I must say, I had no idea that there is as much to it as you point out. It seems a far more interesting game than basketball... more technically demanding.


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