This is the Message Centre for John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Gardening Forum

Post 1

Wilfrid is 42 (1x7x3+0+21)


Sorry to spam you like this, but I noticed that you were setting pen to paper so to speak on some gardening entries. I've been playing around with a few ideas myself and wondered if we could swap notes. You can find me at the above homepage or preferably at 'The Blasted Heath' where I was hoping to set up a little club. Your comments would be most appreciated.


Gardening Forum

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Thanks for the invitation, Wilfrid. Have you called on the contributors to the 'Handy Gardening Tips' Entry?

I'd be happy to swap notes. Pop by anytime. I'll make a point of dropping in on the 'The Blasted Heath' from time to time.


Gardening Forum

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

By a curious coincidence JTG is also 42. There ought to be a special prize, given the significance of the number in these parts.smiley - winkeye


Gardening Forum

Post 4

Wilfrid is 42 (1x7x3+0+21)

Unfortunately the reward is to be given a mature perspective on the comparison between our feeble achievements and what DNA was doing from his mid-twenties onward. At least we were around for the original series which is one up on the whippersnappers smiley - biggrin.

Thanks for the advice and support

Gardening Forum

Post 5

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

A pleasure.smiley - smiley

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