This is the Message Centre for Researcher 121738

Gruesse aus Waldfeucht

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

Hi, I'll write in English because:
a) it's my mother tongue
b) since the generally accepted language of these pages is English, everyone else will be able to join in.

So... Why only 5 facts? When are the next 5 coming? Where do you live?

Thanks for your Helmut information, are you going to give us some info about Mr. Schroeder? Are you going to add a bit about Dr. Kohl and his connections to the CDU members of the Untersuchungsausschluss? Perhaps you could also tell me what that is in English?


Grüße aus München

Post 2

Researcher 121738

Thank you for your e-mail.
An "Untersuchungsausschuss" is a parliamentary committee set up temporarily by the Bundestag.
Unfortunately the story behind the questioning of Mr. Kohl is rather complex. I am afraid any article explaining it would be far to long to be published in the Earth Guide. Hardly anybody would read it.

As to your request for an article abour Mr. Schröder: I will put my thinking cap on.

Grüße aus München

Post 3

Sho - employed again!

Hi again,
You're German, right? So how come your English is better than mine??!! I'm very jealous!! smiley - winkeye So, I will never, ever write to you in German. Too embarassing. Well, maybe...
Actually, I think it was a good Idea to write an entry about Dr. Kohl. Maybe you could work your thinking cap really really hard and cover some more politicians here?? My experience is that most foreigners don't know nearly enough about German politicians (well, really nobody knows enough about any politicians apart from their own - which is why we all don't get along)

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