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.............. ugh.
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Started conversation Jan 22, 2005
batteries low... think I'm getting a cold... ugh... fingers feel like sausages...
.............. ugh.
frenchbean Posted Jan 22, 2005
Oooh, horrible. Poor you. Can you tuck yourself up with a good hot toddy and some soothing music?
I get sausage fingers after hill walking
.............. ugh.
Websailor Posted Jan 22, 2005
Good advice. Bed and lots of drinks.
Take care. I still have a cough from my pre-Xmas bout.
.............. ugh.
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Jan 22, 2005
Thanks, both.
I think it's just stuffy house syndrome after all. I've just been out to shovel the snow that's accumulating in drifts around the house and, perversely, I feel much better. Some fresh air was all that was called for.
On the other hand, one can have too much of a good thing, I think, so back inside for me and some hootoo fun. Cheers.
.............. ugh.
Blue Bird Posted Jan 22, 2005
Now what? This is no time to get sick!Yes the snow! We will have a blizzard so they say!
If you think you have a cold or anything like that I found the cure in red wine boiled with some herb in it ( I forgot the name) Drink it hot as you can, go to bed and next day cold is gone.
This is old time remedy. Now days they take a lot of Vitamin C like 1000 unit or so. And keep taking it...
If it is a virus: than hot steam for inhaling! Virus do not like humidity! The hot dry air in a heated house is favorable for the virus, so is the winter virus! Summer time hot humid air no liking for viruses!
So much for this, but I hope you are really not sick. Cross fingers!
And think of 1-2-3... feet of snow for this.....*** place here. And -10 Celsius.bird
.............. ugh.
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Jan 22, 2005
Hi, Blue Bird. Thanks, for the remedies. What sort of herb do you use - don't answer if it's something incriminating.
I don't think I have a cold. Perhaps I just slept in too long this morning. I'm usually up at 0400 to see the moon end the night shift and have a cup of coffee before the sun punches in for the day.
.............. ugh.
Websailor Posted Jan 22, 2005
Glad you are feeling better. Amazing what fresh air does. We all spend too much time indoors these days.
All that snow WOW! A sprinkling here and everything grinds to a halt. Had a few flurries this afternoon but nothing since.
The birds will tell me when a real dump is coming
Wish I knew what the herb was in . Sounds good. Any excuse will do
.............. ugh.
Blue Bird Posted Jan 23, 2005
You see what this marvaleous "thing" is good for? Instantly many good friends gather to you up and you feel better!
But hey U and All! Here is coming 2-3 inches of snow per hr! It is going to do this for 24 hrs! And the wind will blow by Midnight! I moved down to the STORMROOM.
2 feet of snow by morning!
Oh, my birds!
Oh my God-forsaken place in the world!
I lost my apetite, my inspiration, just want go to my stormroom and Zzzzz locked up til this will end and somebody digs me out for a fortune!
The name of the herb is something like clover, but is not in my dictionary!I'll find out sometimes for your next cold! ( Don't get a cold just for that!)
.............. ugh.
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Jan 23, 2005
I think we've had close to a foot of snow today; and it's still falling. Talk about a winter wonderland! I wonder if I'll be able to get the car out to the main road tomorrow.
I wonder if the herb makes you hum Bob Marley tunes as you sip the .
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.............. ugh.
- 1: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (Jan 22, 2005)
- 2: frenchbean (Jan 22, 2005)
- 3: Websailor (Jan 22, 2005)
- 4: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (Jan 22, 2005)
- 5: Blue Bird (Jan 22, 2005)
- 6: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (Jan 22, 2005)
- 7: Websailor (Jan 22, 2005)
- 8: Blue Bird (Jan 23, 2005)
- 9: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (Jan 23, 2005)
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