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Move ya, move move ya...

Post 1


Isn't it fun when you have to get out of an apartment you used to live in for almost 4 years? While you try to stuff all your things into much to small bags and crates, there are always these happy and cheerful moments when you find something that has been missing for so long...Be it the remote control for your stereo (you bought a new one already, of course), the yearbook of your school (resulting in 2 hours delay in all further actions) or the old halfeaten sandwich behind your fridge (explaining the nauseating smell and the shortage of visitors in th past few months). And it takes _time_! Somehow like a snail trying to slip out of its house you have to be careful not to collapse the fragile but mostly stable structures your laziness helped to evolve around your desk...And then comes the moment, when it is time for your Computer to say Farewell not only to his Borg-Collective of others in its LAN, but also to its name *sigh* Things will never be the same again. So... i am going to pull the cat5-plug now. I hope to get back soon (via bank account...*sob*).

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Move ya, move move ya...

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