This is the Message Centre for Mad Gerald (Gigolo & Owner of Heaven Sent - H2G2 Dating Agency !!! A312184)

Greetings Sir Douglas!

Post 1

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Hello Sir Douglas. Your page is nice. smiley - smiley I hope you are over whatever you were upset about when you were at Foxy Manor. I can't resist a good knight, so I had to drop by. You seem to be a good knight. Your kind is so rare these days as to be almost non-existent. Of course, it is okay if you are not completely good, in fact it is good to be a little bad sometimes. smiley - winkeye

Greetings Sir Douglas!

Post 2

Mad Gerald (Gigolo & Owner of Heaven Sent - H2G2 Dating Agency !!! A312184)

- The elegant knight steps forth, his blond floppy hair tumbling down over his eyes... -

Well !!!

Hello My Dear... smiley - smiley

You appear to have caught me still bearing my ball finery...

Please give me a moment to show you the real man behind my deception... smiley - smiley

- He briskly takes off the armour and finally he removes the helmet to reveal... -

Hello ! You might have heard of me !!!

I'm MAD GERALD !!! smiley - bigeyes


Ladies Man & Man For Hire !!! smiley - bigeyes

* He stands in expectation sweating profusely, his last remaining hairs tumble down his head, his dandruff not giving him the air of cheerful stuffness that say an English teacher might have... *

* That would be alarming enough, but his eyes jutting out at right angles guarrantees he causes others to look away when he is staring at womens breast... like now... smiley - bigeyes *

Cor Blimey !!! Their a right pair of crackers !!! smiley - bigeyes

I might even waive the free if you wish to step out with me !!! smiley - bigeyes

* snort... *

smiley - bigeyes

Greetings Sir Douglas!

Post 3

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Waive the fee? What services do you specifically offer, if I may ask?

You seem vaguely familiar somehow, but I'll set that aside for now.

Nice armour, though it needs some shining up, by the looks of it. smiley - winkeye

Greetings Sir Douglas!

Post 4

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

*wonders whether to trust the new age guy guise...*

*decides against it...*

*makes to leave*

Greetings Sir Douglas!

Post 5

Mad Gerald (Gigolo & Owner of Heaven Sent - H2G2 Dating Agency !!! A312184)

* Gerald grabs DDGB and whips out his false teeth and puckers up and gives her one of his 'specialities' which is saucier than a direct hit on a Heinz factory... smiley - bigeyes *

I call that one the propellor...smiley - winkeye

You will notice how the twirling motion of my tongue so far down your throat is strangely erotic... smiley - bigeyes

* He turns to Petunia and winks saying... *

I know some things even Mata Hari even baulked at !!! smiley - tongueout

How about trying the 'squid' for an introductory fee... smiley - winkeye

smiley - bigeyes

Greetings Sir Douglas!

Post 6

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

*puts hands over her mouth and runs!*

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