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In Honor of a Moneymaker - The Elianito

Post 1


In order to honor the tortured little Cuban boy whose life has been so permanently screwed (and skewed) I've decided to invent an alcoholic beverage in his honor.

Why honor him?

Having spent the past seven months doing web development for the Houston Chronicle ( I realized that a good portion of my paycheck was a result of Little Elian's news traffic. Since the news media accomplished this by making him an international spectacle (and probably psycopathic as well) I think I owe him.

Why a drink?

A long tradition in western culture. If we can't actually do anything about a travesty, injustice, shame of our entire country, whatever; why then we just drink to it.

The Elianito:

Serves: 1

1 1/2 oz Golden Rum
1 teaspoon lime juice
lime wedge

Basicly it's a Cuba Libre with a cherry. For an added political statement crush the cherry and stir it to the bottom of the glass.

If I can't acctually rid myself of guilt over my industry's actions I can at least drown it in poignant alcohol.

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In Honor of a Moneymaker - The Elianito

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