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On the offchance you come back...

Post 1

bunnyfrog will never die

I cannot believe you would get all upset that someone, indeed me of all people, would try and spoil your fun. Seriously if I offend you because Im a little over protective of my precious game, then there are plenty of other 'normal' games of MC on H2G2. I happen to enjoy arguing with people, some of the arguments and debates Ive had on here have been refreshing because I occasionally lost and saw something from a different point of view. Effectively insulting me by calling me a big baby and running off isnt really playing fair is it? How can I even try and do a decent comeback if you are stroppy and far away?

So! In that spirit, you may have had a certain amount of upset in your life, but please bear in mind that unlike MySpace, H2G2 is anonymous if you want it to be, so on the main part attitudes are left at the door. I can happily say you know bugger all about my life and if you are truely wanting understanding from others, the trick is to get them to like you first BEFORE dumping yourself all over them.

I mean seriously, one of the first things you said to me was all about your life (combined with an insult), which I did not and could not have known about, I was merely replying to an prospective new playmate and hoped he would respond in kind. But hey, its your choice if you stay or go, but frankly if you are having so many woes, then dont be such a sulk about them, it doesnt contribute well to getting people to enjoy talking to you and consider you as friend.

*cocks ear* Where do I get off telling you what to do, I hear? Thats easily answered. As well as the arguments, I like to help people be better people. Not that it works that often, but it keeps me occupied.smiley - biggrin

On the offchance you come back...

Post 2


Another place, another time, another game, and we get on very well BF, but Hootoo isn't that place. You play on other sites, and in games that I play in, and we don't have problems there, so why Hootoo is so different I don't know.

You say you like to argue, but I don't. We were destined to clash in such close combat!!!

What I do know is that we are who we are and we act the way we act...and that is not wrong - although that may filter out or be better buffered in the MCiOS/Orange games due to the larger number of players etc, but in such a close knit game like this, the buffering is lost, and we just rub up wrong.

I may have had a bad day, I may have had a moment of clarity, I may know nothing about you, and you about me, but I do know that here is not a good place for us. I have seen your style of play, and would happily take you up as a doubles partner, but the two of us in one small game....oh the humanity!!!

On the offchance you come back...

Post 3


Isnt this a bit serious - are we not here for fun? For a laugh? Why so competitive - Must be a man thing!!!!smiley - erm

On the offchance you come back...

Post 4

bunnyfrog will never die

*wields hefty club*
Ug! Blasted woman!

On the offchance you come back...

Post 5


Oh Bunnyfrog - you are not going to have a go at me now are you? I think you would find it very hard to offend me though - Pave is young and I am old and wise - The Wise Woman that's me. I shouold have a pointy black hat and a warty chin (But maybe I have - you have never seen me have you!!??) Mind you Lelly is young too but she is very wise.smiley - biggrin And maybe I am biased because I am her very proud mother. See you back on Glum

On the offchance you come back...

Post 6

bunnyfrog will never die

Carole, I am more than a little sure that you are lovely smiley - biggrin Every time I see your name I whats she posted now? is it good?
May you continue to be great and your teeth be forever shiny!

On the offchance you come back...

Post 7


Aaawww fanx Bunny. I hope my teeth keep shiny for a bit longer. I am lucky in that they are strong (I get that from my Dad). My nightmare is to see them looking at me from a glass beside the bed! Lesley has instructions to shoot me if that ever happenssmiley - biggrin

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