This is the Message Centre for Evan
Where has all the brevity gone?
Evan Started conversation May 21, 2000
A Little About Myself And Some Other Stuff
User Data
Researcher 116348
Name: The Mentally Challenged Police Cheif (Co-Founder of H2G2 Fire/Police(wo)men) A334865, Saint KORNBALL
Referenced Researchers
The Cheese (Marigold, Sappy, Verse Chorus Verse)
The Mentally Challenged Police Cheif (Co-Founder of H2G2 Fire/Police(wo)men) A334865, Saint KORNBALL
Bluebottle (The Phantom Men)ACE (I finished writing "Getting Home In Time For Lunch" today!)
Saint Lisa the (co-founding) Freak † (Patron Saint of Unrequited Love)
Heylo Y'all! I'm Evan! I'd love to tell you all about myself, but first...1
A word from our sponsor...The Cheese
I have written, and re-written this page, but it was ORIGINALLY written by The Cheese (Thank you Brenton). (If you're having problems with this page, just follow the link you've just seen and talk to The Cheese about it. Or you can go to the GuideML clinic if you want to wait a little longer. But I recommend The Cheese)
And now back to our normal user page!
I am the founder of the newest non-exclusive H2G2 society, "The H2G2 Fire/Police(wo)men." The Cheese is co-founder (actually, he thought up the name, but I was the one who decided to create it, so...)
I'm an H2G2 Christian...
I've recently become the H2G2 Patron Saint Of Corny Remarks! Visit:
Anyway, you cannot burn my feet anymore, because I'm not The Elf God, but it did make me quite happy2!
I guess I haven't much else to say, except for The Cheese is CHEESY
This is ALWAYS fun!!!
This page written by Myself, I think.
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The big long jourm\nal Entry about this one guy that I believe is only a couple of sentences (3 weeks ago)
There once was a guy who met a guy on his way to seeing this one guy at this one place, but the man that we will describe as 'the other guy' or 'the guy he met' was, well, to be totally honest, a theif and/or a pickpocket, and so the original guy had a tough time findong out what happened to his wallet after he met that one guy, who was actually NOT the theif, but another guy that he passed by on the way; however, the original guy was not fully or completely aware of this and hence blamed it on the other guy, a known pickpocket, due to stereotypes that say pickpockets are always the theif in any given situation, which was proven untrue after 12 days of deliberation by a jury in court, which proved that the 'other guy' was innocent, and the passer-by was the theif as the evidence clearly showed the passer-by's fingerprints on the wallet, which was later quoted to be a 'dead giveaway' by the judge, who was, unfotunately, corrupt, and sentenced the theif to a mere and meager three months in prison, a short sentence that was later called 'unfair' by the victim of the crime, and is now filing an appeal, whcich states the other man was wrong in his ways and should repent, which would involve doing 743 hours of community service in the slummy parts of the city, which are considered dangerous to all, due to stereotypes made by the media and governemt because they can' find anyone else to blame for their pathetic problems because they do not show an ability to be self-dependent or otherwise useful by most, and so are being called corrupt, as are policemen and postal workers, who have gotten a bad rap since a few years back after a postal worker who could not be called 'gruntled' (making him obviously disgruntled) commited what is now known as a crime, but was really an act of outrage, and so cannot be treated the same as another case in different circumstances, because it is completely different; this is why the government is considered 'corrupt', it treats apples like oranges, making for some unfair cases, although most of this is said by the anarchist populatiion, who believe in no form of government whatsoever and hence will not support it at all.
Now I would like to sing a song:
Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff!
This piece of nonsense brought to you by the KoRn-BaLl!
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1 Thank you Keeza for greeting me earlier this month... I'll get a link up for you later.
2 Special thanks to Bluebottle for being the first to burn my feet
3 Thanks to Lisa for 'lending' me the code for this, and, in turn, she got it from somewhere else... Don't ask, I guess.
Where has all the brevity gone?
The Cheese Posted May 21, 2000
The brevity is most obviously not here.
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Where has all the brevity gone?
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