This is the Message Centre for 33172 - Adam
Researcher 38090 Posted Jun 17, 1999
If you really want to be a doctor, think carefully. At A-level, you think exams are easy, medical scoool exams are much worse, and then postgraduate exams are quite simply designed to fail a large proportion of candidates.
You will be sacrificing about 1/3 of your weekends for years to come with work. Forgoing normal sleeping patterns. Being payed at HALF pay while you work at night or at weekends.
Most demoralising is that rote learning of huge lists of facts and patterns of disease and treatment is of far more use than any intelligence and thought.
It makes a good career if you are unimaginative, but want the guarantee of a decent income and good pension scheme.
But do it if it's really what you want.
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